What is a piatto del recupero?
The so-called piatti del recupero, are dishes that promote the culture of daily habits to use food and available resources sustainably.
In order to be considered del recupero, a dish must have at least ONE of the following characteristics – it can also have two or three of them at the same time, but it is fundamental that it has one:
- Using a nose-to-tail cooking approach to meat, fish and vegetables, making use of the whole product, also the secondary parts. This means that, for example, fruit skin, outer leaves of vegetables, offals and bones can become the protagonists of your dishes.
- Using leftovers from the day before, meaning, for instance, taking a dish that already exists, or an ingredient that has been previously cooked and then left over – such as yesterday’s pasta, the roast in the fridge, or stale bread – and giving life to it again, turning into a new delicious dish.
- Using old traditional recipes coming from past memories, part of our cultural heritage, that are often at risk of being forgotten, but have to be preserved.
These special piatti del recupero:
- can be dishes already part of your usual a la carte menu or new dishes thought specifically for the Tempi di Recupero Week
- can be snacks, appetizers or starters, main courses, side dishes or desserts – or any other course you feel to offer to your guests
- do not have a limit of number: you can propose as many as you want in your special menu del recupero

Photo by Francesco Zoppi