Tempi di Recupero Week 2022
The week that brings together chefs, osti, gelato makers, artisans, winemakers and individuals from all over the world in the name of the sustainability in the kitchen!
We are ready for the second appointment of the fourth edition:
from the 5th to the 15th February 2022!
A week dedicated to Tempi di Recupero all over the world.
Each participant is free to create their own menu and tell their way to be sustainable.

The second part of the fourth edition of the Tempi di Recupero Week Week is coming! After the first week held from 20th to 29th November 2021, we are ready for the second week from 5th to 15th February 2022! The participants will have the opportunity to prepare special and unique sustainable dishes.
The Week will start the same day as the Giornata Nazionale di Prevenzione dello Spreco Alimentare.
Fill in the online form to tell us who you are, what menu you will prepare and when!
You will officially become a participant to the TdR Week and a member of the network of Tempi di Recupero!
Find out who has already joined the Tempi di Recupero Week 2022!
You can design your menu according to the following three principles:

from the day before

Il quinto quarto
the use of the whole animal or fish or vegetable scraps

Ancient and
traditional recipes
What we do
- We create the layout of your special menu that it will be recognizable and the same all over the world
- We add your restaurant to the map on our website, where users can see your menu
- We send you the membership card, so you will become a member of Tempi di Recupero for one year. You get all the benefits to be part of our network!
What you do
- Create your own special menu – or only just a few dishes, if you prefer – based on the 3 principles mentioned above (one or all of them, where and how you want)
- Choose whether to propose your menu for a single day or several days, as long as they are within the TdR Week 2022 – from Saturday 5th to Tuesday 15th February (indicating which days)
- Complete the registration by filling in the online form
- Print the menu we will send you
- Enjoy the Tempi di Recupero Week!
What to do after sending us your participation data?
Tempi di Recupero is a non-profit cultural association that carries out its initiatives thanks to you who choose to help us. At the same time, it is very keen to continue to support two non-profit organizations:
– Food for Soul, the non-profit association founded by Massimo Bottura and Lara Gilmore to fight food waste in the interest of social inclusion
– Food for Change, the Slow Food project to fight climate change
How to support Tempi di Recupero and the 2 projects mentioned above:
Difensore del Recupero Donation: 100€ (includes: Participation to the TdR Week + 1 year Membership + € 10 to the 2 projects mentioned above)
Campione del Recupero Donation: 250€ (includes: Participation to the TdR Week + 1 year Membership + € 10 to the 2 projects mentioned above)
Socio Pop Donation: 45€ (includes: Participation to the TdR Week + 1 year Membership + € 10 to the 2 projects mentioned above)
If you wish to give a higher donation to the 2 projects, please select the option on the registration form and let us know!